DRIFT, Manifesta 12 collateral event, Palermo, Italy, August 6 – 31, 2018.
Death Disko Last Dance, The Galleries at Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, May 27 – July 15, 2015.
The Sky Remains the Same: the archive of Lovett/Codagnone’s WEIGHTED (2010), with Julie Tolentino and Stosh Fila, UCLA Center for Performance Studies, Los Angeles.
Impending Disaster, CANDIDATE (Lovett/Codagnone and Michele Pauli) Featuring Walter Dundervill, Stosh Fila, Paolino, Julie Tolentino, Moore College of Art and design, Philadelphia.
CANDIDATE in Concert: A Gesture Absolutely Vile, New Museum, New York, November 10, 2013.
LIES, Hotel Particulier, New York.
CANDIDATE (Lovett/Codagnone and Michele Pauli) Featuring Jim Fletcher, Marco Mazzoni, Julie Tolentino, Kate Valk, curated by Travis Chamberlain, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York (performance).
Hanged, Public Billboard, South La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles.
TRACE, September Galerie, Berlin.
4.25.11, CANDIDATE (Lovett/Codagnone and Michele Pauli) featuring Jim Fletcher, Gary Indiana and Kate Valk. A benefit concert for Participant Inc, Sikkema Jenkins & Co, New York (performance).
Guts of Darkness, CANDIDATE: Lovett/Codagnone and Michele Pauli featuring Emma Decorsey, Sculpture Center, Long Island City, New York (performance).
Saint Genet, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York.
Weighted, curated by Tom Cole and Christen Clifford, Dixon Place, New York (performance).
Common Errors, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York.
Post no Bills, Office Project, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York.
Walk in Silence, September Galerie, Berlin.
Erase, in collaboration with Tom Cole, Participant Inc, New York.
For You, 2003-2007, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, (performance).
Driven by Love, 22nd Torino GLBT Film Festival, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Fondazione Adriana Prolo, Turin (catalogue).
For You 2003-2006, Galleria Illy, Spazio Moroso, Milan (performance).
Party with Us, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Driven by Love 2000-2006, curated by Jeffrey Uslip, LA><ART, Los Angeles (performance).
Lovett/Codagnone: selected work, Printed Matter, New York.
Obliquities, Roth Horowitz Gallery, New York.
Echo, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.
Driven by Love, Robert Beck Memorial Cinema, New York (solo program).
ASK*, The Laura Mars Group, Berlin.
For You 2003, NADA, Miami (performance).
Wenn ich mir was wuensche durfte…(If I could wish something…), Participant Inc, New York.
Suited, Brent Sikkema Gallery, New York (performance).
Suited, Micro Museum for Contemporary Art and Culture, Palermo (performance).
Duet, Centro d'Arte Contemporanea Ticino, Bellinzona CH.
<<PLAY>>, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Duet, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.
Blind date (with John Divola and Henry Wessel), Brent Sikkema Gallery, New York.
Wall 6: Landscape 8, Air de Paris, Paris.
<<PLAY>>, Thread Waxing Space, New York.
Closer, curated by Francesco Bernardelli. A collaboration with Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea and Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna di Torino, Artissima Palazzo Nervi, Turin (performance).
Drifted, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
Drifted, Artforum Berlin 98, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne.
1997 Greetings, Patricia Faure Gallery, Los Angeles.
Sighting, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Greetings, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
Our First Retrospective, White Room, White Columns, New York.
Selected Group Exhibitions/Performances/Screenings:
Performa 13 New Visual Art Performance Biennial, New York.
Liminal Sites: 2013 Faculty Triennial Exhibition, curated by Kaytie Johnson, The Galleries at Moore, Philadelphia.
Don’t ask don’t tell, curated by Antonio Leone and Francesco Pantaleone, Palazzo Ziino, Palermo.
Herstory Inventory: Shoes and Books, Oakville Galleries, Toronto.
Fuck Taboo, Camera 16 Contemporary Art, Milan.
100 Years (version #4), curated by Klaus Biesenbach, RoseLee Goldberg and Jenny Schlenzka, Boston University Art Gallery, Boston.
Downstairs, curated by Eric Gleason, Meulensteen, New York.
FG.FT, Fad Gadget, Frank Tovey, Envoy Enterprise, New York (catalogue).
Infinite Salon, Agape Enterprise, New York.
Soft Machines, curated by Sarvia Jasso, Harmony Murphy and Nicola Vassel, Pace Gallery, New York.
Queering Sex, Curated by Kathryn Garcia and Sarvia Jasso, Human Resources, Los Angeles.
Off Modern, curated by Sandra Antelo Suarez and Sara Meltzer, HL23, New York.
Diegesis This Is Not, curated by Madeline Djerejian, Art Video Exchange at Atopia, Oslo, Norway.
Kick in the Eye, curated by Andrew Suggs, Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia.
Bomb Bash, Marlborough Gallery, New York.
PLAY Giochi di ruolo, curated by C16, MACRO - Museo d’ Arte Contemporanea Rome, Italy.
HL23 art Program, curated by Sandra Antelo Suarez and Sara Meltzer, HL23, New York.
A Feast of Fools, curated by Sarvia Jasso and Kathryn Garcia, Second Floor, Brooklyn.
Editions Fawbush Projects & Artists, Gering & Lopez Gallery, New York.
I migliori anni della Galleria Emi Fontana, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Au Pair, Contemporary Artist Duos, curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio and Francesca Referza, Fondazione Menegaz, Borgo Medievale di Castelabasso, Teramo, Italy (catalogue).
Summer Bazaar, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
Are You Coming Too?, Project space organized by September Galerie and Galerie Knoth & Kruger, Berlin.
Screening/Salon/Cabaret/Disco, curated by Sarvia Jasso, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia.
Fade to Black, curated by Rachel Gugelberger and Jeffrey Walkowiak, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York.
Unframed, curated by Neville Wakefield, Manhattan House, New York.
Uncontrollable Flesh, curated by Sarvia Jasso, Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley.
Butt in Ass, curated by Michael Bullock and Yasmine Dubois-Ziai, Asian Song Society, New York.
A Personal Shout, video screening curated by Lovett/Codagnone, White Columns, New York.
Tre Punti..., Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Timeline, Participant inc, New York.
Eye Candy, Maloney Fine Art, Culver City/Palm Springs.
Objects of Desire, Anna Kustera, New York.
40 Years/40 Projects, White Columns, New York.
History Keeps Me Awake at Night: A Genealogy of Wojnarowicz, P.P.O.W Gallery, New York.
Power and Currency, curated by Natalie Kates, Factory Fresh, Brooklyn.
Poster Project, curated by Devon Costello, Nine Things Gallery, Frankfurt.
All in The Family, video screening curated by Laura Parnes, Sara Meltzer Gallery, New York.
That Was Then… This is Now, MoMA P.S.1, Long Island City, New York.
Brice Dellsperger présente, curated by Brice Dellsperger, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Just Different, curated by Frank Wagner, Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, NL.
Lucky Draw, Sculpture Center, New York.
Group Show, Seventeen Gallery, curated by Vincent Honoré, London.
Cose mai viste, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Terme di Diocleziano, Rome (catalogue).
Xmas Hysteria, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Performa 07 New Visual Art Performance Biennial,New York (catalogue).
Double Vision, curated by Liz Christensen, Deutsche Bank Gallery, 60 Wall Street, New York.
Office Party, curated by Lia Gangitano, Rental, New York.
NeoIntegrity, curated by Keith Mayerson, Derek Eller Gallery, New York.
The Dead, The Absent and Fictitious, (screening organized by LTTR), July 24, 2007, Documenta 12,Publications Project, Kassel.
Substance and surface, Bortolami Gallery, New York.
Love Addiction, Pratiche video dal ‘61 ad oggi, curated by Andrea Bruciati, La Comunale, Galleria.
Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone (catalogue).
Da Sodoma a Hollywood, 22° Torino International GLBT Film Festival, (catalogue).
Elsewhere?, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Dead, Absent, and Fictitious: Shorts, curated by LTTR, OUTFEST 2006 Film Festival, REDCAT: Roy and Edna Disney/CALARTS Theater at Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles (catalogue).
Fresco Bosco, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Certosa di San Lorenzo Padula, Salerno, Italy.
Passers-by: Photography from 1974 to 2004, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
PERFORMA O5 New Visual Art Performance Biennial, New York (catalogue).
Gelman vs Roth, Roth Gallery, New York.
Still Ill (curated by Lovett/Codagnone), Momenta Art, Brooklyn.
Split Subjects, curated by Francesco Bernardelli and Theo Tegelaers, De Appel, Amsterdam.
E-Flux video rental, Kunst Werk Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin.
Log Cabin, curated by Jeffrey Uslip, Artists Space, New York.
Hosted, curated by Lia Gangitano, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem Netherlands.
Sparwasser HQ Platform´da: The home video system project, curated by Johannes Raether, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul,.
Re: Act, An evening of performance, curated by Sheri Pasquarella, Participant inc, New York.
For You, presented by Participant inc and Trans>area, The Nada Art Fair, Miami. (performance).
Video Fuori dalla scena, Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna Montevergini, Siracusa, Italy.
A Song for You, a screening curated by Rafael Sanchez, Anthology Film Archives, New York.
Decade, Shroeder-Romero, New York.
Imperfect Marriages, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
20th TFF (Torino Film Festival), Palazzo del Lingotto, Turin (catalogue).
Videolab, Special Section, The International Fair of Contemporary Art Artissima 9, 2002, Turin.
HANS: Interspecies Love, curated by Tom Cole, Gallery Oni, Boston.
Fruit Farm Film Festival, McMinnville, Oregon (catalogue).
A Song for You, a screening curated by Rafael Sanchez, Anthology Film Archives, New York.
Charley, MoMA P.S.1, Long Island City, New York.
Gallery’s Artists, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.
“Identité, mètissage et autres arrangements”, curated by Alexandre Pollazzon, Palais de Tokyo, Paris.
Group Show, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
Power Ballads, Rupert Goldsworthy Gallery, New York.
Heads or Tails, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris.
Video Art Plastique, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie, Hérouville Saint-Clair, France (catalogue).
My generation: Video art from the 70's to the present day, curated by Mark Nash and Alexandre Pollazzon, The Atlantis Gallery, London.
Hops! Ambienti, curated by Luca Vitone, Link Project, Bologna.
Death Race 2000, Thread Waxing Space, New York.
Kentric Sex, Cargo, London (screening).
Collector’s choice, Exit Art, New York.
Espacio Marica, curated by Octavio Zaya, Institute of Civilian Disobedience, Oslo, Norway.
Guilty Pleasure, Artnet.com.
Mining the Store, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown.
TWO by TWO, The Rachofsky House, Dallas.
Non Solo fotografia, Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino, Bellinzona CH.
Lovevolution, XL/Xavier La Boulbenne, New York.
999, organized by Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino, Stabile Ex-Troesch, Bellinzona CH.
Videotheque Mobile 90-2000, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy.
Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Siena.
Remix, Musee des Beaux Arts, Nantes (catalogue).
Group Show, Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan.
He swam down, away, curated by Tony Payne, Audiello Fine Art, New York.
Videostore! curated by Bureau de Video, Bricks and Kicks, Vienna.
Bathroom, curated by Wayne Koestenbaum, Thomas Healy Gallery New York.
#4, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
Transatlantico, curated by Octavio Zaya, Centro Atlantico De Arte Moderna, Las Palmas (catalogue).
Interferencias, curated by Octavio Zaya, Canal De Isabella II, Madrid travelling to Centro Andaluz De Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla; Universidad De Salamanca, (catalogue).
Edifying Sappho and Socrates, Darlinghurst Station Sidney travelling to Torch Gallery, Amsterdam.
Il Motore della Moda, curated by Emi Fontana, Stazione Leopolda, Florence.
More, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
A Home Show: Sitting up Erected or Reclining, curated by Mary Goldman, Hinterhof Links, Berlin.
Domestic Bliss, DNA Gallery, Provincetown.
#2, Knut Asdam, Ellen Cantor, Lovett/Codagnone and Rosemarie Trockel, XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
New Museum of Contemporary Art Benefit, New York.
Health Crisis Emergency, Pat Hearn Gallery, New York.
The Male Gaze from y to z, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris.
Mona Hatoum, Lovett/Codagnone, Marilyn Minter, XL Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
Video Sans Titres, Galerie Froment Putman, Paris.
Ellen Cantor, Lovett/Codagnone, Mike Sale: Video,XL/Xavier LaBoulbenne, New York.
Fotog, SAUCE Gallery, New York.
Best of Indipendent Video, La Panderia, Mexico City, Mexico.
White Columns benefit, White Columns, New York.
Open Your Heart, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York.
Soho Biennial, Eight Floor Gallery, New York.
Crystal Blue Persuasion, Feature Gallery, New York.
The Moderns, Feature Gallery, New York.
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